Info for potential retroactive funders in the ACX Grants 2 Impact Market.
ACX Grants Round 2 will include an impact marketplace, and we’re looking for donors who are interested in acting as retroactive buyers of impact.
We’re particularly interested in retro funders outside of traditional EA areas, e.g. biology research, social science and forecasting; see the results from ACX Grants Round 1 to get a sense of what types of projects will be available to fund.
Here’s a whole post by Scott explaining impact certificates, but this is the gist:
Impact certificates are like a VC funding ecosystem for charity. Charity founders with good ideas sell shares in their proposed projects. Profit-seeking investors buy shares of projects that they expect to succeed. This funds the project; if it does succeed, altruistic people/foundations buy the impact, compensating the investors.
From March to October 2023, ACX and Manifund ran a Minigrants round on impact certs, paying out $31k to 18 forecasting projects.
At the end of 2024, Manifund will send each retroactive funder the project descriptions and founder updates. The funders will then read these applications and reports, and come up with a valuation for the impact of each project. It’s up to each funder how to assign valuations, but here are a couple ways to think about it:
Once valuations are assigned, the funders will put up offers for the impact certificates at their chosen valuations, which investors can choose to accept.
We highly recommend retro funders write up how you intend to value projects, and how much you expect to pay out. You can also point to examples of past projects you have funded, for how much, and why. This helps investors and founders understand what kinds of outcomes and impact you are looking to fund.
Applicants may opt to create impact certificates for projects about: