Overall: After running through this process, Austin is a lot less optimistic about using crypto/Solana as the main system for transactions. Main hangup points:
I have a Coinbase account...
Tried on FTX first for lower fees
Back to coinbase
Buying USDC on Coinbase ⇒ takes 2 days to clear...? So much for Hedgehog
How to switch back into mainnet from Phantom....?
Oh what the flying f* I need to get money into FTX somehow
WTF the network fee on USDC is like 8%
This UI is cursed: I just want 100 USDC but I can’t denote that correctly
Also why am I paying a 0.85% fee to Phantom...?
At least phantom transaction fees are low
Total = ~40m to get this figured out
Paying random Solana fees to get stuff done = feels bad
Hedgehog UI is pretty subpar