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[Akhil] Do comment penalties (negative tips?) count as a different feature?


Random ideas: P1. You can burn M$10 to burn M$10 of the commenter's money P2. You can pay M$10 to decrease the visibility of the comment (it's shown lower on the page in the "tipped" sort order; or it's probabilistically shown at 60% instead of 100%) P3. Something like Sinclair's staking proposal, where tips are bets on whether the creator will like this comment

P4. You can place a bet on OTHER people paying M$ to decrease the visibility of the comment. Like retroactive public goods funding, but inverted.

I think there's actually something seriously interesting/true about P4 - the attention spent on a market's comments is zero sum, as is their ranking. Given that it's zero sum, it should be meaningful to place bets on what the final ordering of comments ought to be.

What is "ought to be" here? Maybe it's the final ordering that the creator deems they like; usually defaults to MKT, but sometimes they can promote one comment as being especially "good" (helpful, clarifying, probability-adjusting) or flag another for being especially "bad" (toxic, distracting, fake news)

Funnily enough - you can kind of use the Free Response mechanism for this already, since the higher % answers are shown higher. And if you could short Free Response answers, then we'd basically have this system 80% implemented.

Then all that's left is to allow uptipping/downtipping in addition to upbetting/downbetting! Tipping = donating, betting = investing