
Is our site really ready for normies? Are we confident that normies want to use the site? I’m not convinced and I think there’s very little evidence for it. Until there is, we shouldn’t be catering to them. We have no normie atomic networks on our site, but we do have atomic networks made of contrarians and nerds. Therefore, there’s no justification for branding/grouping markets under normie categories. We saw what communities our users want to be a part of and we should encourage the growth of those communities as they’re going to be the most active in terms of market creation and betting. We should focus on making the platform better for those communities: i.e. finding markets within your community to bet on, bringing their leaderboards back, maybe even more advanced features like allowing paid subscriptions to communities to fund market creation, etc.

We need to focus on cultivating our atomic networks which are our user’s self-organized communities. The hard side of these networks is bettors, so we need to focus on how to incentivize bettors to earn mana. The ways I propose to incentivize them is community leaderboards and allowing communities to vote on what goes in the mana store/what mana can be exchanged for (charity & mana swag soon, what do the communities want?).


  1. P1:

    1. Clicking on a tag brings you to the tag (fold) page

    2. Manually fill in the about page for each community/category

    3. Limit communities to one tag

    4. Allow users to follow the tag

    5. Add in highly followed communities (ACX predictions, Effective Altruism, Rat Social) to replace the least used categories

    6. Bring back leaderboards for each tag ( is there any eng work needed for this?)

    7. show rapidly growing/most active communities on right had side for newbs to follow

      Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 6.21.47 PM.png

  2. P2: do P1 and also start investigating what more can we build to enhance community members’ experiences like:

    1. Create new metric that defines what communities are show: i.e. communities with top 10% followers or top 10% liquidity ([q] rank by liquidity in community markets!) get to be shown in the communities toggle list
    2. communities get to vote on what goes in the mana store/what mana can be cashed out for. If we can make communities happy with what is in the mana store they’ll be more incentivized to earn mana which will strengthen the atomic network
      1. Science is most followed community rn, can we allow cashing out to fund scientific studies?
    3. Allow DAO-like coordination of communities to pool funds to fund market creation of curators
    4. Subscribe to a community will cost M$1 per week or per month, which will go towards curator’s discretion

[Austin] Some questions:

Also some prior reading: Subreddits
