Why a common app?
- Grantees can do less work in applying
- Funders will be communicating with each other on specific proposals
- Funders get more dealflow
Key questions
- Who is participating?
- [ ] Manifund
- [ ] LTFF
- [ ] SFF? (Who is the decisionmaker here?)
- [ ] OpenPhil (Asya?)
- [ ] Lightspeed? What are their plans moving forward?
- [ ] Longview?
- [ ] Founder’s Pledge?
- Can applications be private?
- [A] Prefer not, much easier for Manifund to support
- [R] wdym easier to support? Meaning we can just funnel them all into web pages on Manifund as opposed to selectively doing that?
- What kind of applications are eligible?
- What set of questions?
- For the college common app, you fill out a set of general questions, along with an auxiliary app with specific questions for specific funders
- How do different funders prefer viewing their applications?
- Manifund: As a database entry that we can then show a webpage for
- LTFF: Airtable entry?
- How do funders communicate?
- Slack?
- Discord?
- Airtable comments?
- Other coordination:
- Monthly “Longtermist funders sync”?
Caleb’s proposal
- iff an applicant indicates that they’d like their application to be referred to other funders
- the application will appear in an airtable that SFF/LSG/Manifund has access to
- we’ll notify that we have shared their apps with a set of EA funders that will be in touch if they’d like to offer funding
- our notes will appear alongside the application as well as a very rough score for how cost-effective we think it is relative to other apps
- if a funder want to evaluate an app
- they should write that they are evaluating the application in a notes field
- if they don’t want to fund the the application
- if they have spent > 5 mins evaluating a application they should write in the apps notes their main takeaways (if they have any)
- if that funder wants to fund the application
- they should change the status to funded/partially funded and note any details in the funding details box
- they should reach out to the applicant directly to set up payment
- (if a funder wants to do some kind of cofunding, we can coordinate in this channel)
- [R] If Rachel checks this box, doesn’t make Rachel think “I shouldn’t have to apply to SFF, etc”
- [A] Down for this, my asks:
- “info posted to other grantmakers may end up on the public internet”
- ideally, funder notes are sent to the grantees
[R] Musings on an ideal setup