- Organize items in feed by new activity
- Mental model: there’s one long sequence of feed items that we constantly add to based on new bets, questions, and comments
- Twitter-like floating button with arrow and user avatars takes you to the top to show new activity
- Filter live stream items by interest embedding distance
- Take into account user & group follows
Austin <> Ian
Proposal: User feed table
- Copy twitter timeline: move various items into a
table from user_notifications
. This would put the things that people typically expect in their timeline - interesting new things likes comments, markets, news items - and keep their notifications for more high signal events - likes, tags/responses, comments on their markets.
- Surfacing new markets by people you follow enhances the experience bc you can also see recent comments/bets on it
- Surfacing new comments on markets you follow lets you see the current state of the market without clicking in
- Surfacing new markets in groups you follow bc otherwise good luck finding em
- Surfacing activity in your league
- We can also suggest new users/groups to follow or random other things we’d like users to do in the feed
- Incorporate live feed events into queue skeleton:
- As the user scrolls through their feed, they look for new items to interleave to their current unseen queue. They can write to their feed directly (so that if they come back, they can see the same things on their timeline)
- We can also listen for new events at the very top of the feed, so that if/when they reach the bottom we can add more things to the top.
- Feed item types:
- New market
- from followed user
- added to followed group
- close to your interest vector
- New comment/answer/bet/subsidy
- on market you’re following
- on market from followed user
- from followed user
- close to your interest vector
- Large market probability change (currently in today’s updates)
- News article with relevant markets attached
- Crazy ideas:
- reminder to complete a quest
- suggestions of users/groups to follow
- change in league rank
Proposal: Filter live feed
- Filter the live feed by your interest vector: scroll down to see older content filtered by your interests
UI/UX bits
- more similar to live feed
- don’t display market cover images unless creator uploads photo
- Feed updates
- Scroll to top
- pre-computed
- comments, markets, probability changes, news
- reason attached to each feed timeline
- “someone with similar interests”
- “someone you follow”