- Iphone 11 (safari)
- 23
- electrical engineering student
- Youtube, reddit, discord, insta, fb, spotify
- Seems like it is information about different types of markets - If you are in to investing of any kind
- Scrolled past the text straight to the markets
- Points out NBA, Elon twitter… some sort of investment relationship?
- Notices and reads the blurb
- Oh (surprised) that’s pretty cool
- You make your own prediction and anyone can bet on it. I guess it will automatically resolve to the confirmed winners at the end.
- Not sure why the FR have a blue probability
- Notices the FR resolved has no colour (another one was red and resolved NO)
- Not sure how the chance would be calculated on some of this stuff?
- Maybe not chance but % of ppl saying Yes and NO.
- If I hadn’t have read the blurb, I would have no idea on what this website was.
More button
Predicted correctly for some of the buttons, but not all.
- Curious about charity
- It’s at the Top! First link so it stands out… seems important
- Leaderboards - expect it to be top questions people are betting on
- Statistics? Maybe explanation of how stats on website works. Or maybe keeping track of portfolio or something.
- Not sure what groups is. Can follow people?
First task - Bet on a market about cars
- I asked: “If you came to this would you want to bet or ask first? Bet first.”
- Went to explore (still logged out)
- Noticed All categories. Clicked it a bunch expecting for it to open a category filter but nothing happened.
- Typed in car - search function failed miserably lol. “Well I didn’t expect it to be too useful”.
- Searched vehicle (also didnt work)