PC windows test
Reimbursed with M$10,000
- software develop - cloud operations
- plenty of internet
- reddit, youtube, g-suite, github and stack overflow
- Familiarity with prediction markets
- isn’t the biggest fan of speculative betting (notes he considers penny stocks as a form of this)
- Doesn’t like how prediction markets play into the idea that they can predict with some accuracy the true probability of something occuring
Critical Issues
- Assumed even after 45 minutes of using the website that there was a way to convert mana back to usd
- Decide if we want to communicate this more strongly: “This is just a meme ass way you can donate to charity”
- this make the website more compelling for Ilyas
- What are shares?
Other Issues
- ability to edit descriptions (and delete timestamp) so it is impossible to tell whether it has been edited in or was there originally
Chronological Thoughts
- Guesses what most of the various buttons do correctly
- Charity - “initial impression is that I could donate to you”
- I had previously told him one option for taking part in the testing is that we could donate 100USD on his behalf
- “Due to what you said maybe you act as a proxy for donating”