Overall results: $5,475 in prizes

  1. Wasabipesto's Umbrella Project: $750
  2. Case's Manifold Contributions Umbrella Project: $1300
  3. Predict on random markets: $0
  4. Manifold Sandbox: $0
  5. Extreme Probabilities Project: $0
  6. Improving the API experience: $0
  7. Manifold User Tracking & Notifications: $0
  8. London Manifold.love dating shows: $400
  9. Script to download and run Manifold locally: $0
  10. Manifold corporate blog on Habr: $0
  11. Isaac's power-user Manifold search and dashboard: $500
  12. Manifold: Live!: $450
  13. Mirrorbot: $1250
  14. Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolis: $275
  15. N.C. Young's Umbrella Project: $50
  16. Isaac's Blog Writing: $400
  17. Manifold merch store: $0
  18. Manifold x College Admissions: $0
  19. Invest in the Conflux Manifold Media Empire(??): $0