Pitch: New question type to let 2 people debate a topic, and others bet on who will win
- Prediction markets are uniquely well suited to debates
- Bettors invest into the outcome of who will win
- Prediction markets can be created for each crux
- People love picking sides in a conflict
- Premier debate material is very engaging & shareable
- Especially if we can convince famous people (Eliezer, Destiny, Aella, Scott) to participate
- But no platform is established as “the place you go for debates” yet
- We can raise the sanity waterline
Example topics
- “Is LK99 a superconductor?”
- “Was SBF justified in how he ran FTX?”
- “Who deserves more blame in Israel vs Hamas?”
- “Is Anthropic net-positive when it comes to AI doom?”
Or Manifold examples:
- “Should we have invited Hanania to Manifest?”
- “Would it be bad to reveal what city each user is in?”
- “Should we do Manifold dating?”
Inspiration: LessWrong’s Dialogues
Announcement post: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/kQuSZG8ibfW6fJYmo/announcing-dialogues-1

Example dialogue: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/iNYdKoGsh4ffxbQ5t/navigating-an-ecosystem-that-might-or-might-not-be-bad-for
Also inspired by Discord chats between Eliezer, Rohin & other AI Safety folks: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/34Gkqus9vusXRevR8/late-2021-miri-conversations-ama-discussion