- Proposal: Build a new UI for the market page incorporating a Twitch or YouTube livestream.
- Motivation: we’ve tried to encourage livestream betting by building a Twitch bot. But getting usage this way is difficult and expensive. What if we had a permissionless way for users to bet on any stream?

- Main UI elements:
- Livestream video: Most prominent element of the page. Replaces the market graph.
- Chat (or comments): Appears in sidebar on desktop (tab on mobile?). Replaces related markets
- Question info & bet box: Appear below video
Part 2: Create /tv
- Goal: Ensure that there’s a continuous supply of livestreams to bet on.
- Proposal: Create a booking system for people to schedule streams/markets to bet on. Let mods select certain streams to appear for everyone at /tv.
- UX sketch:
- TV appears in the sidebar with a link to /tv. If there’s currently a livestreaming going, there is a red recording button icon.
- By default, when you visit /tv, you’ll see live mode with whatever market/stream is currently running.
- There’s a button to schedule your own stream.
- This shows a pop up where you input your market, stream, and scheduled time slot.
- You can click a button to see all the scheduled streams
- You can follow scheduled streams to receive a notification when they’re going live
- Mods can star scheduled streams to make them appear as the featured stream on /tv
- Eventually we could turn this into an auction system or try to charge for the privilege of having the featured stream