Manifund is a new funding org that experiments with systems and software to support awesome projects. In 2023, we built a website ( and donor ecosystem supporting three main programs: impact certificates, regranting, and an open call for applications. We allocated $2m across dozens of charitable projects, primarily in AI safety and effective altruism cause areas. Here’s a breakdown of what Manifund accomplished, our current strengths and weaknesses, and what we hope to achieve in the future.

If you like our work, please consider donating to Manifund. Donations help cover our salaries & operating expenses, and fund projects and experiments that institutional donors aren’t willing to back — often the ones that excite us most!

At a glance

Here are some high-level stats that provide a snapshot of our 2023 activities:

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2023 Programs

Impact certificates

Summary: Impact certificates are venture funding for charitable endeavors. Investors fund founders by buying shares (”certs”) in their projects, which pay out if the project later receives a retroactive prize. See also our and ACX’s explainers.

Assessment: 7/10

Impact certs have been discussed as a much more efficient system of funding charitable projects. Luminaries such as Paul Christiano, Katja Grace, Vitalik Buterin and Scott Alexander have championed the idea, but apart from a few small experiments with retroactive funding, no notable impact marketplaces existed prior to Manifund.

In 2023, we built out the website and operational experience to run impact certs end to end, from handling project submissions, to investments, to retroactive prize payouts. We completed 2 impact cert rounds and started 3 more, each testing different setups and domains.

How did we do? I would describe impact certs as “working as intended, but not yet hitting product/market fit”. Some possible reasons: