A simpler, normie-friendly mobile-native betting experience, inspired by TikTok & Tinder
- Our current homepage is designed primarily for desktop, which is good and works well for our power users
- Casual users are much more likely to be on mobile and would prefer a simpler experience
- Instead of trying to introduce more normie-friendly features on our homepage (potentially degrading the experience for power users), we should design a new mobile experience from first principles.
- A mobile-only UI that replaces the current mobile homepage
- Previous homepage can become a separate dashboard page or the “pro” version of the homepage
- The homepage shows only one market at a time
- Users can down to go to the next market
- The main UI elements are
- Header containing the question, market creator, current probability
- Clicking on the question will go to the market page
- Two buttons: Bet NO and Bet YES
- Each bet a fixed amount, maybe M$10
- Potentially there is a slider or something to allow users to set the bet size, but this shouldn’t be too prominent
- [c] nah just press the button multiple times to bet more
- swipe left/right to bet no/yes and go to next market
- Other possible UI elements
- Market image
- Truncated market description (or none at all)
- very smol market graph (maybe)
- ..but that’s it.
- The goal is to appear as simple as possible.
- Market selection
- Ideally: Use ML to determine what users see next
- The objective function is obvious here, so an ML model would be a good fit
- Objective: minimize error from predicting whether a user bets on a market that is displayed to them
- Right now: Use heuristics based on data we already have (trending, newest, biggest movers, most liquid)
Goals with this design
- Solve market discoverability
- Make it easier for new users users to get started
- Be extremely normie-friendly and accessible
- (without alienating our current userbase or obfuscating core market mechanics)
- Increase retention of new users and non-power users
- Allow us to scale to a much larger audience
James’ thoughts
Great idea!