Overall question: What would you like to see from Manifold in 2023?

Matthew Barnett

Not enough predictors on questions

More wisdom on Metaculus

Much longer

Pay to make people trade - ads or pay for trade

Continuous - date something will happen

(or numeric, how many people's)

  1. Categorical (natural numbers)

  2. How much money will X get. "how much karma will Matthew's post get"

1000s of dollars for the best lesswrong post for a month

Leo (OpenAI)

Doomsday markets payment system

Arbitrage bot - makes more

Markets add to 100, or this market brats this other market - specify truths, very special kind of bet

Scrolling through markets - hard to find new ones

Want to see more markets relevant

Want to promote market to get more people

Can't drop 10k mana