Today, Scott Alexander often screenshots a particular market page (the graph and current percent) to put on his blog.

We could create a “copy Market as image” button on each market page; when clicked, it takes a screenshot like this and hosts it on a URL:


This could use our og-vercel code, since that’s already generating an image from some HTML. We’d have to set it up to load in more of our library code though (such as the Nivo chart, probably Tailwind too)

To get even fancier: We could use this same image directly as our social preview image (the thing preview that gets rendered when you post a market link on Twitter or Discord). Cf Preview: Combine with the embed graph

EVEN FANCIER: This image could update dynamically, so that if people directly embed the image (e.g., it would continue to update over time.

(Substack, Twitter et al all do cache the images, so dynamic updating wouldn’t work in most locations

Note: Would be a fun hackathon project!