Check out the bottom of this page for the general setup instructions.

If you still need help we have provided a more detailed guide below.

I’m going to be showing screenshots of how it works in OBS. But it should be the same for other broadcasting software.

Adding the overlay and setting its size

Step 1. Click the + button in the sources box and choose to add a new browser source.


Step 2. Make sure “create new” is selected and name it. Click OK.


Step 3. You should see the properties page pop up. If it doesn’t you can right-click the Browser source to open it.

Paste your custom URL for the overlay link which you can generate by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

You can set it to whatever size you wish, but we recommend a width of 450 and a height of 375. This can be adjusted whenever you wish, but make sure you do it but changing the dimensions in the properties box below. Don’t resize it by dragging the corner of the image as this could lower the resolution quality.


  1. Click OK and you're done! You won’t see anything, but don’t worry this is normal. It is waiting for you to feature a market. You can leave the browser source overlay on as it will only be visible when a market is featured.

Adding the control panel as a custom dock to OBS

You don’t have to use the control panel to control the bot as you can use chat commands instead.

You can also use the control panel in a browser by simply navigating to the link you generate at the bottom of this page. But we recommend adding it to your OBS as a custom dock.

Step 1. Click on docks and then custom browser docks.


Step 2. Name your new custom dock and paste the link.