Aka stocks, tokens, coins, or NFTs on Manifold
v0 Proposal
- Any user can mint a new “Certificate” contract
- e.g. “This cert represents all USD prizes won by my blog post”
- e.g. “This cert resolves to Manifold’s DAU on Dec 1”
- e.g. “This cert pays out 1% of my net worth each week”
- Certificates are broken up into shares
- Shares can be traded on an AMM
- Default: creator puts 500 shares and 500 mana into a Uniswap v2 AMM
- The minter of the contract can:
- Pay dividends to all contract holders
- e.g. “Each shareholder gets 1 mana per share”
- Resolve the contract to a value, dissolving all existing shares
- New Contract type:
- Uniswap v2 (x * y = k) AMM
- Bets just mark transfers between AMM and users
- Initial Cert Offering
- Shorting
- Could be implemented by holding onto a negative share
- Which has to pay for dividends/resolution
- Issuing more shares?
- Order book
- Governance
- Shareholders can vote on proposals
- Liquid democracy?
- Utility
- Shareholders get access to exclusive content
Certs devlog
Inga’s notes