In the spirit of radical transparency, I thought I’d share with you, our users, the reasoning behind the pivot in very frank and unvarnished language. — SG

  1. Manifold isn’t working as a business.
  2. Real money can save Manifold as a business and bring prediction markets to a much larger audience.
  3. In order to have real cash prizes, we must take on mana as a liability.
  4. Changing the mana purchase/redemption rate is the least bad option.


Q: Is the mana purchase/redemption rate change a devaluation?

A: No, it’s not. Firstly, no one is financially worse off as a result of this change. Users who were interested in mana as vehicle to donate to charity will be able to donate in full, over and above the Manifold’s promised $10k / month donation cap. Secondly, users who are not interested in donating to charity gain something new—the ability to earn real cash. Thirdly, everyone’s track record and profit graphs will be preserved at the new 10x rate.

Q: Isn’t Manifold screwing over its users?

A: No, it’s actually the other way around. Manifold has received ~$130k in total mana purchases to date but is on track to pay out >$500k in donations. Most of this is from a grant we received, but the point still remains that users are taking out far more than they’ve put in.

Q: Isn’t changing the the mana redemption rate bad vibes?

A: Yes, it’s absolutely bad vibes. But we would rather have bad vibes than break our explicit commitments to you or put us on a path where we wouldn’t have enough runway to keep working on Manifold in the future.

Q: Won’t Manifold just change the mana redemption rate again?

A: No, we promise not to; it wouldn’t make sense. This is a one-time change to enable real cash payouts. More importantly though, we’ve established a new equilibrium where anyone can verify at any time for themselves that it is not in our interest to devalue by looking at the outstanding mana supply which we track on our stats page. Incentives matter, and we’ve set up everything to be fully aligned with honoring all mana liabilities going forward. In the world where we didn’t do the mana rate change, there would always be a lingering cloud of uncertainty surrounding our mana obligations. No longer.