- UX Resources? I know very little and would appreciate anything (assume I know nothing lol)
- First impressions (go through the flow as an uninformed user, signing in for the first time, let us know what was confusing and not confusing)
- There’s quite a few here please don’t feel pressured to do all of them! I’d say the top priorities are probably
signed out homepage
manifold.markets when signed out
signed out market page
ex. https://manifold.markets/agentydragon/will-google-search-include-a-chatbo when signed out
- generally there’s probably more information here than a signed out user needs
- also the graph is kind of gross but I don’t really know what to do about it
market cards
https://manifold.markets/home when signed in
- would like feedback on general look of card, information on it, what you feel like is not that important, what other information you may wish to see