MultiBinary Product Spec
Proposal: Implement Multiple choice with binary contracts for each answer
- The UI can be very similar to current multiple choice
- All grouped on the market page, with Yes/No buttons for each answer
- Costs M$50 per answer you add (used as initial liquidity for each binary market)
- Uses the same binary mechanism, so less technical debt
- Automatically get support for limit orders, liquidity subsidization, daily changed, etc
- Supports the use case of resolving multiple answers to Yes, in addition to resolving only one to Yes
- E.g. Which products will Apple launch at WWDC? Can resolve Yes to both ipad and iPhone. Best you could do with current multiple choice is resolve each to 50%.
- Can extend to Numeric
- In create page, choosing Numeric type lets you set up a series of numeric thresholds, each of which is a binary market
- This is really what traders want: simpler to bet on thresholds, and gain more leverage for higher returns than current pseudo-numeric
- Rather than betting on specific buckets, they want to bet: will quantity be less or greater than threshold?
- Can deprecate Pseudo-numeric
- [A] Unsure - there are multiple use cases for pseudo-numeric, I think
- Requires a bit more liquidity to get started?
- Not really true: multiple choice with many answers also requires more liquidity
- Have to arbitrage to sum percentage to 100%
- But this is not so bad, because often you want to bet on each answer separately.
- E.g. Jack asked how to bet the first answer to 40% and the second to 20%. With CPMM multiple choice, you have to make a series of bets to try and get them to both align. With binary, you just bet each one separately.
- [A] Think this one is pretty key — it’s kind of a bad experience to make users think about bidding down on all the others
- [i] I think it’s not that big of a deal
- [S] The point of AMMs is to handle the mechanical adjusting for you, to not have big arbitrage activities after you bet
- [J] After thinking about it, it is a bit of a disadvantage. There is a way for us to still do it though:
- [J] If we know from the contract creator that exactly one answer will be chosen, we can implement this arbitrage for you when you bet, so you don’t lose out.
- After your YES bet brings total above 100%, buy equal shares of NO in each answer s.t. total prob equals 100.
- Since all markets except one get resolved NO, you can immediately convert those shares to (n-1) * shares dollars. This is a new kind of redemption.
- For the opposite case of someone buying NO bringing the total below 100%, buy equal YES shares in all answer s.t. prob equals 100. Then redeem those YES shares for equal M$, since one of the answers will be chosen.
Next steps
- Deprecate new Multiple choice
- Set new multiple choice to be created with old mechanism
- Swap out World cup markets to old multiple choice
- Resolve all new multiple choice to N/A
- Delete all new multiple choice markets
- Script that also removes subcollections, and removes from group-contracts
See Discord discussion: