What got done
What next?
[J] James
- Synced with Aaron on an Aella partnership
- They are adopting a wait-and-see approach to our app, and might try their own attempt if ours stagnates.
- They are tentatively on board to do an affiliate link deal! (we pay per profile created from people using a link Aella shares)
- Fix an exploit where loans were paying out for resolved answers
- love
- Lots of fixes on Friday
- Working with Fiona to do a IRL launch party
- Sending people to interview to Will, TIME reporter
- Call with Shreeda building another dating app
[s] Stephen
- marketing stuff
- server analytics
[i] Ian
- multi positions tweaks
- fix subsidies & unique trader bonuses
- add emails on new matches
- wip: add
flag to user & joined the chat messages
- finish flag
- fix users not caching on /messages
- subtly highlight messages on new general chats
[c] Sinclair
- love copy on race and gender
- love referrals
- today: triaged a bunch of linear tickets
- test referral code
- text card for dashboards (Nathan requested)
- get started on love custom questions?
[D] David
- I was quite sick over the weekend so didn’t get much done, feeling mostly better today
- Manifold love newsletter
- push track record page
- community + trustworthyish + guidelines backlog stuff
[iw] Inga
- added average to ratings
- fixed some location bugs
- thinking about questions flow
- manifold love questions flow
[t] Tod
- contacted some creators
- manifold love search ad
- new ads
- follow up and contact more people
- new ads
- [s] read about my experience at DEBATECON 4
- [d, c] 💯
- [c] pretty awesome result for something so technically simple
- [J] How was the question / resolution criteria? Wouldn’t a simple poll of the audience on who won after be better?
- [s] I thought it actually worked pretty well for people who bothered to understand the format.
- Nearly all markets would not have been competitive otherwise
- [s] retro: trader & subsidy bonuses
- this was a highly foreseeable problem!
- [i] @David Chee did you test the subsidization parameter? It wasn’t set on lots of markets, so was equivalent to undefined, aka false. If you did test, then was it just a script that didn’t properly backfill all the contracts?
- [d] tbh I didn’t test, I naively thought the changes I made to subsidisation were extremely minimal since I was under the impression I was essentially just changing the name of the function. I was more caught up with the unranked stuff which wasn’t working (when all I actually had to do was deploy it lol)
- [i] for future ref testing is v important! Especially when you’re new to programming, you have to test everything.
- [d] haha makes sense, whoops
- [d] so ultimately was the problem probably something like if the nonpredictive parameter was undefined then by default it was considered “false”. Which meant it worked fine. But, when I created the new parameter a lot of them were still undefined and by default undefined was set to false (which is wrong because subsidisation needs to be set to true)?
- [A] What was the issue:
- [A] What was the timeline on this? (times in PT)
- Suggestions for future improvement: