Introduction to Manifold Markets


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Unresolved markets

Below describes our policy for dealing with markets that have been abandoned by their creators 🥲

Manifold employees reserve the right to resolve a market 7 days after either the closing date or resolution criteria have been met.

We have designated a group of users as trustworthy-ish, you may see their badges on the site. These users also have permission to resolve other users’ closed markets, although are expected to abide by the following policies. Trustworthy-ish users do not have the ability to unresolve markets or change the resolution, only admins have the power to do that.

Trustworthy-ish may resolve on behalf of the creator

All conditions of each scenario must be met to resolve a market.

The following message must be copied and commented by trustworthy-ish users when resolving any market. You may add additional context on why you are resolving it to a specific decision if you wish:

Trustworthy-ish may NOT resolve

If the following occurs, attempts should be made to @mention the creator or dm them. If this fails an Admin may be tagged to make a decision/contact the creator.

If you suspect any trustworthy-ish user is resolving markets in a way that does not abide by these policies please either email [email protected] or tag one of the Manifold staff in Discord.


April 12, 2023 - Reduced wait time in Scenario 1 from 14 days to 7 days