INTRO: Mani is a sweepstakes based prediction game where you can make predictions on pretty much anything. There are two coins, mana which is purely play money, and scash, which can be redeemed for real cash prizes.
- [d] Don’t tell them this. Just tell them this is the MVP of a new app and ask them to tell you what they think it is. Let them work out play money vs s cash for themselves (show a screenshot of the planned welcome flow if it isn’t implemented yet and you want to). Also, see Usability Testing
- [s] +1, seeing if they understand the toggle is a key thing to test for
- it’s true we’ll have more info in the onboarding flow, but it’s good to get feedback on how intuitive the product will be without that
- the most important thing to tell them in the intro is to vocalise their feelings. People are usually pretty good at vocalising what they are thinking, but won’t naturally vocalise “I’m getting frustrated right now…”.
- What stands out to you the most?
- Is it clear what this app is from looking at the homepage?
- [d] (Ask them to guess what the app is from looking at the homepage)
- Are the categories interesting to you? What would you like to see?
- Is there anything that is confusing about this page?
- [d] if they say yes/they aren’t sure what something is. Ask them to guess what it means and if applicable ask them to predict what will happen if they click it.
- Is there anything that would make this more engaging for you?
- [d] This question probably isn’t as helpful (take replies with a grain of salt)
- How easy/difficult was making a prediction?
- Did you feel stuck or unsure of what to do at any point?
- Do you know what the amount number means? Do you know what the payout number means?
- Did you notice the payout number?
- What would make this feel more intuitive/fun?
- Is there anything else you wish was surfaced?
- What stands out to you the most?
- What information do you ind the most useful?
- Is there anything you think is missing?