What got done
What next?
[J] James
- Iterate on Portfolio page
- Simplify some mobile stuff
- No labels on bottom nav bar
- Remove “Home” from news tabs
- Make navigating home preserve scroll
- Leagues unique bettor bonus includes all markets you created (not just ones this month)
[s] Stephen
- 1-1 alice
- call w morg
- a/b test portfolio
- politics tasks
[i] Ian
- fix bugs/random user requests
- MC numeric markets
[c] Sinclair
- merge a “fixed” private user pr that broke signups 😬
- [J] Unfortunate. I know we can do better with better protocols for merging risky changes
[D] David
- mod call and followup actions mod call action items
- some more coding for bet UI (I keep realising there are more things that it interacts with that I have to account for)
- [J] Cool. Can help you ship this
- [d] yeah will msg u shortly, have like 30mins worth of coding I want to do first tho
- 1:1 stephen
- review and post Conflux article
- sync with Joshua
- get bet ui pushed
- initial proposal doc for creator partnership program
[iw] Inga
Taking time off
[J] Joshua
- Got write permissions for Notion
- Created Governor’s Races markets
- Created detailed markets for toss-up gov races
- Sync with SG Wednesday
- Sync with SG and Inga Friday
- Created Electibilty Markets and contestd convention dashboard
- Created Polling Markets and polling dashboards
- Created VP Dashboard, ran VP Comment contest
- Created special election and impeachment dashboards
- Trump Trials markets, dashboards
- Sora dashboard
- Russian Space Nukes dashboard and market
- Karpathy dashboard and markets
- More Politics syncing soon
- More work on Trump Trials, could be very important for election outcome. Markets currently think 45% Trump wins, but only 30% if he’s convicted.
- Republican Primary, South Carolina this week. Will Haley drop out?
- State of the Union speech early next month, I have a dashboard on this and it could be great for live betting
- House Swing District Markets (There’s a lot of these!)
- Tournaments and incentives for politics especially
- More focus on swing states for general election
- More focus on competitive senate races
- Conditional markets depending on outcome of the election
- Conditional markets on things which will impact the election (Conviction, polling, economy)