Introduction to Manifold Markets


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What is mana (M$)?

Mana (M$) is the play-money used by our platform to keep track of your predictions. It cannot be converted to fiat (cash). All users start with M$500 for free.

You may see the M$ symbol shown as an M with two horizontal lines through it as a symbol we are trying out.

What is mana used for?

Mana is used for creating and betting on markets. The more mana you have, the more you can bet and move the market. It can also be used to tip other users’ comments.

What is its value?

As the native currency of Manifold Markets, mana is “backed” by the ability to create questions on the platform. The more you have, the more likely you can make the leaderboard and earn the social prestige that comes from being a good predictor or trader on our markets.

In addition, you can redeem your mana and we will donate to a charity ****on your behalf thanks to grants we have received. Redeeming and purchasing Mana occurs at a rate of M$100 to $1. You will be able to redeem it for merch and other cool items soon too!

Check out all the ways to earn Mana here! You can also buy more at the same rate as converting to charity.

Introduction to Manifold

What is mana (M$)?